Thursday, December 4, 2008

Somalis attack white girl

Adil Mohamed Omer, 22, has pleaded guilty to two counts of robbery and one of assault for her role in the swarmings, which occurred about 70 minutes apart at the Rideau Centre and Place d’Orléans shopping malls on Nov. 14, 2006. Court heard that Ms. Omer was among a group of six young women of Somali descent who attacked Chanel Marcotte as she sat on a bench in the mall, punching, kicking and pulling her hair before one of the women stole her cellphone and wallet. The group, which included Ms. Omer, then travelled to Place d’Orléans by bus, where they cornered two more young women near some garbage bins before attempting to steal one of the women’s purses. Court heard that the victim, Jamie Kennedy, was punched and had her hair pulled when she went after the person who stole her purse. Ms. Kennedy, who struck one of her attackers in the head with the handbag, was able to escape when a passerby intervened. According to a summary of the facts read into court, the second robbery was part of a plan hatched by Ms. Omer and the other women to target a “white girl” from Orléans “because they were rich.”

1 comment:

NoMoreOnMyShore said...


Somalis move all over the world in order to sponge off the
people of every other nation on the planet and get FREE
education; FREE housing; FREE medical care; FREE
food; FREE transportation; etc -- that the tax-paying
citizens of these nations cannot get (because they are
not 'immigrants' or "refugees")-- then these very same
Somali FREELOADERS turn around and falsely claim
that it was their own "ambition" and "hard work" that
led to these PARASITES getting all they have
taken from the people of their HOST nations.

In EVERY country which has made the mistake of allowing
them to enter – the Somalis have arrogantly showed up on
the shores; looked down their noses at the hard-working,
tax-paying citizens of the nation; committed atrocious
acts of rape, sexual harassment, and other forms of
violence; AND REFUSED to do ANYTHING that
does NOT involve SPONGING off the citizens.

For examples in every country that has allowed
these “refugees” – more than 80% of the Somalis
who CAN work – simply refuse to even apply to
work; while the small number who actually apply
tend to do NO ACTUAL work on those very rare
occasions wherein they bother to show up at all.

Every nation on the planet is learning the hard way that
the Somalis are the LAZIEST, MOST UNGRATEFUL,
MOST SELF-INDULGENT people on earth and they
have an unfounded SENSE OF ENTITLEMENT that
makes them think that the rest of humanity was created
simply to act as their slaves, servants and hostages.

Throughout the world EVERYONE despises Somalis for
this very reason (their shameless FREELOADING that's
followed by their baseless BRAGGING) – and yet these
Somalis still continue to behave in their same vile manner.