Friday, May 18, 2012

A Chinese man who beheaded and cannibalized a fellow passenger on a Greyhound bus in Canada won his bid to leave the grounds of the mental hospital where he has been kept, a criminal review board has ruled

The Criminal Code review board said that Vince Li's treatment team may grant him short escorted trips into Selkirk, Manitoba. The review board said that the passes will start at 30 minutes and increase incrementally to a maximum of full days. Li, 44, was found not criminally responsible for the July 2008 death of 22-year-old Tim McLean, a carnival worker who was sitting next to Li on a bus. At Li’s trial in March of 2009, a judge was told that he was an untreated schizophrenic who was suffering from auditory hallucinations commanding him to kill McLean, a stranger. Carol DeDelley, the victim's mother, called the board’s decision unacceptable and vowed to continue her efforts to fight the law dealing with people found not criminally responsible. Selkirk Mayor Larry Johannson expressed concerns about the board’s decision, wondering if it is too soon to allow Li to walk the streets of his city - a community of about 9,800. On July 30, 2008, Li was sitting on a Greyhound bus headed to Winnipeg next to McLean. The young man had his eyes closed and was listening to music on his headphones when Li suddenly stood up and started stabbing him. Li then beheaded McLean and started parading up and down the bus brandishing the man's severed head. As the bus ground to a halt and horrified passengers scrambled to get out, Li continued to stab, mutilate and dismember McLean. Witnesses reported seeing Li eat pieces of the man's body and lick blood from his fingers. When police arrived on the scene, Li attempted to escape from the bus by breaking through a window, at which point he was Tasered twice and arrested. Following his trial, Li was initially confined to a locked wing of the Selkirk Mental Health Center, but in 2010 was given the right to escorted walks outside. Justice Minister Rob Nicholson announced that he asked officials to review the Criminal Code section dealing with people found not criminally responsible. He said that public safety must come first. Li emigrated from China in 2001 and worked menial jobs in Winnipeg, Canada. He moved to Edmonton in 2006 and was on his way back to Winnipeg when he killed McLean.

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