Voltaire — To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Britain: Only 3.2% of Jews are unemployed - compared to an average unemployment rate of 11.6% for religious minorities
While all religious groups in Britain experienced a decline in pay between 2008 from 2013, Jews remained the best paid with an average of £16.20 per hour - 51.5% more than the national average.
Why do Jews fear Donald Trump?
Could it be that Trump is a threat to Jewish plans for destroying white America?
In the Detroit public school district, 96% of eighth graders are not proficient in mathematics and 93% are not proficient in reading
That is according to the results of the 2015 National Assessment of Educational Progress tests published by the Department of Education’s National Center for Educational Statistics. This is despite the fact that in the 2011-2012 school year—the latest for which the Department of Education has reported the financial data — the Detroit public schools had “total expenditures” of $18,361 per student and “current expenditures” of $13,330 per student. According to data published by the Detroit Public Schools, the school district’s operating expenses in the fiscal year that ended on June 30, 2014 amounted to approximately $14,743 per student.
A 2011 study of California and New York arrest data led by Pennsylvania State University criminologist Darrell Steffensmeier found that blacks commit homicide at 11 times the rate of whites and robbery at 12 times the rate of whites
In New York City, blacks commit over 75% of all shootings, according to the victims of and witnesses to those shootings, though they are only 23% of the city’s population. They commit 70% of all robberies. Whites, by contrast, commit under 2% of all shootings and 4% of all robberies, though they are 34% of the city’s population. In the 75 largest county jurisdictions in 2009, blacks were 62% of robbery defendants, 61% of weapons offenders, 57% of murder defendants, and 50% of forgery cases, even though nationwide, blacks are 12% of the population. They dominated the drug-trafficking cases more than possession cases. Blacks made up 53% of all state trafficking defendants in 2009, whites made up 22%, and Hispanics 23%, whereas in possession prosecutions, blacks were 39% of defendants, whites 34%, and Hispanics 26%.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
A report by the Civil Rights Project at the University of California, Los Angeles, found that New York City had the most segregated schools in the country
Even New York liberals don't want to send their children to schools with blacks and Hispanics.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Just 10% of Washington DC students who took a new standardized Geometry test and 25% of students who took a new high school English test met proficiency standards designed to reflect whether they are on track to enter college or begin careers after graduation
Results also show a stark achievement gap, with 52% of white students scoring proficient or better on the Geometry test, compared to 8% of Hispanic students and 4% of black students. Eighty-two percent of white students met the college-ready target in English, compared to 25% of Hispanic students and 20% of black students.
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Baltimore, with roughly 623,000 people, has had 270 homicides in 2015, almost as many as in New York, with 281 in a city of about 8.4 million
Nearly 100 people have been murdered in Baltimore in the last three months alone. According to the U.S. Census, 63.3% of Baltimore's population in 2013 was black and 31.6% white.
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Britain: Muslim men in some communities are having up to 20 children each because of polygamy and the rise of religiously sanctioned gender discrimination under Sharia Law
Baroness Cox, a cross-bench peer, highlighted a series of shocking examples of the impact of Sharia law on Muslim women in Britain as she called for them to be given greater protection under equality legislation. She disclosed one case in which a 63-year-old man tried to divorce his 23-year-old wife and arrange her marriage to a Pakistani man who needed a visa. He asked a gynecologist to "repair the hymen" of his wife so she could remarry, and stood to make £10,000 "for effecting the arrangement". "Such shocking cases surely cannot be allowed to continue," she said. "The rights of Muslim women and the rule of law in our land must be upheld." In other examples, Baroness Cox revealed that Muslim men divorce their wives by simply saying or writing "I divorce you" three times. She added: "My Muslim friends tell me that in some communities with high polygamy and divorce rates, men may have up to 20 children each. Clearly, youngsters growing up in dysfunctional families may be vulnerable to extremism and demography may affect democracy." She put forward proposals to close a loophole in the Equality Act which she said enables Sharia courts to practice sexual discrimination. Baroness Deech, another cross-bench peer, supported the bill and said: "We must not tolerate the sweeping of violence against women or children under the carpet by any religion in the name of faith." Lord Green of Deddington, chairman of MigrationWatch, said that Britain was entirely different to Muslim countries, adding: "Those who come must accept that."
The independent crossbench peer said: "We must be prepared to insist that there can be only one law. We must get away from what I call the Rotherham complex where the authorities were so afraid of offending a minority community that they turned a blind eye to the appalling abuse of young mainly British girls."
Friday, October 23, 2015
A disturbing video has emerged that appears to show four women being tortured by a gang of men after being accused of witchcraft
The footage was reportedly taken in a village in Papua New Guinea, a country where violence and murders linked to sorcery are rife. In the video, the women have been stripped naked, tied up, burned and beaten. It also shows them being threatened with machetes while being questioned by the men. The women were accused of sorcery after a young man fell ill in the village in Enga province in August 2015.
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Genetic ancestry, as well as facial characteristics, may play an important part in who we select as mates, according to an analysis from UC San Francisco, Microsoft Research, Harvard, UC Berkeley and Tel Aviv University
Researchers used population genomics and quantitative social sciences to gauge the relatedness of parents in a study of asthma in Mexican and Puerto Rican children. They found that the parents tended to choose partners with a similar mix of ancestry to their own, a phenomenon known as assortative mating. In the case of Mexicans, that meant having a similar proportion of mostly European and Native American ancestry, with some genomic heritage from Africa. For Puerto Ricans, that meant having similar amounts of European and African ancestry, with some Native American. The average mix was similar enough to make the couples equivalent to between third and fourth cousins, a degree of closeness that may have implications for the perpetuation of some genetic diseases but also could have health benefits. A study done in Iceland, for example, found that the most fertile couples were about as closely related as fourth cousins.
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Blacks are 23% of New York's population, but they commit 75% of all shootings, 70% of all robberies and 66% of all violent crime, according to the victims of, and witnesses to, those crimes
Whites are 33% of the city's population, but they commit less than 2% of all shootings, 4% of all robberies, and 5% of all violent crime.
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Fully 51% of immigrant households receive some form of welfare, compared to 30% of US-born households
The percentage of immigrants using some form of welfare varies enormously according to the part of the world from which they come. Rates are highest for households from Central America and Mexico (73%), the Caribbean (51%), and Africa (48%). Those from East Asia (32%), Europe (26%), and South Asia (17%) have the lowest rates. A majority of US-born black and Hispanic households are on some form of means-tested welfare, compared to just 23% of US-born white households. A striking 82% of black households with children receive welfare – double the white rate. Hispanic families are not far behind blacks. Among the US-born population, blacks receive cash handouts at more than three times the white rate; Hispanics at more than twice the white rate. Among all households, US-born blacks and Hispanics receive food handouts at three times the white rate; for Hispanic immigrants, the figure is four times the white rate. Among households with children, nearly all immigrant Hispanics – 86% – get food aid. US-born blacks and Hispanics aren’t far behind, with rates of 75% and 72%, respectively. US-born Hispanics and blacks, especially, are also heavy users of housing assistance. Among households with children, US-born Hispanics use these programs at nearly four times the white rate and blacks at seven times the white rate. There are 39.88 million households in the United States receiving some sort of means-tested welfare.
More than 50% of Catholic priests are gay
I guess this explains why so many priests like to rape young boys.
A rabbi has been sentenced to 22 years in prison after pleading guilty in Maryland to sexually abusing an underage girl, court documents showed
Rabbi Frederick Karp, 51, of Beachwood, Ohio, has been sentenced by a Baltimore County Circuit Court judge. His sentence includes five years of supervised probation after release. Karp pleaded guilty to sexual abuse of a minor and a third-degree sex offense, court filings showed. He was arrested in New York in January 2015. Baltimore County prosecutor Lisa Dever said that the plea included charges from Cleveland based on events that occurred at Karp’s home. She said that the three victims lived in Baltimore County at the time of the events.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Researchers have found that immigrants are more likely to be delinquent on mortgages than natives, even after controlling for a rich set of household demographic and socioeconomic status and mortgage characteristics
The researchers found that immigrants were over three times as likely to be delinquent on their mortgages than were people who were born in the United States.
Nearly a quarter of all births in Guatemala are among teenage mothers - one of the highest rates of teen pregnancy in Latin America
In Guatemala, most pregnancies among girls under 14 are the result of rape at the hands of fathers or other relatives, but often it is the girl who is forced to leave the family home, and few perpetrators are punished, said a leading rights campaigner. "In the majority of cases of sexual violence against girls, some as young as 10, most are committed by family members, mainly by the girl's father or stepfather," said Mirna Montenegro, the head of Guatemala's Sexual and Reproductive Health Observatory (OSAR). In 2012, nearly 90% of all pregnancies among Guatemalan girls under 14 involved relatives, including cousins and uncles, of which 30% were the result of rape by fathers, according to Guatemala's human rights ombudsman. Despite new laws passed in Guatemala to better protect against sexual violence, few who commit rape against girls are punished. "Getting justice for girls who report crimes of sexual violence is still a big challenge for us. Often it's the pregnant girl who is removed from her home and placed in a refuge and not the perpetrator of the crime," Montenegro said. According to a 2009 law, sex with a child under 14 is defined as rape, but of the 2,000 reported cases of under-14s getting pregnant in 2012, only eight resulted in convictions, Montenegro said. Guatemala's children's prosecutor, Harold Flores, said that the country's high teen pregnancy rate was a "scourge", and there were few convictions for rape carried out on girls under 14. "We want girls, who have been victims of sexual violence, to remain in their home or be under the care of a relative. In some cases in the past girls were placed in government care and the aggressor wasn't arrested," he said from Guatemala City. "It's deplorable that many of these cases are a result of sexual violence within the nuclear family: stepfathers, uncles, fathers, and grandfathers. We're reaching more and more girls as soon as we hear about a case and we have expanded our presence across Guatemala and rural areas," Flores said. High levels of sexual violence against women and girls stem from the low status of women, especially indigenous Mayan women, in Guatemala's patriarchal and macho society. "Machismo is about men believing a woman is their property and possession. We've heard fathers say 'She's my daughter and my property so I will do what I want with her," said Montenegro. She said that gender violence is also a legacy of Guatemala's 1960-1996 civil war when rape was used as a weapon of war. In Guatemala, teenage pregnancy is most common among uneducated indigenous girls, especially in poor rural areas. Guatemala's high prevalence of child marriage, where girls can marry at 14 with their parent's consent, also fuels adolescent pregnancy, Montenegro said. Last year, 5,100 girls under 14 became pregnant in the Central American country, up from 4,354 in 2013, according to OSAR. One reason for the increase is because hospitals and health providers have to report pregnancies among girls under 14 under a law passed in 2012.
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Jewish homophobes or Jewish racists or both?
Nearly two years ago a gay black fashion student was left blinded in one eye after he was brutally attacked as he walked home following a night of partying. Now three of the four Hasidic Jewish men accused of beating him went before a Brooklyn, New York judge. Taj Patterson claims that he was confronted by the ultra-Orthodox group, made up of at least 12 men, as he was headed to his Fort Greene home on December 1, 2013. He says that they assaulted him as they shouted homophobic insults. Officers from the NYPD's hate crime squad later arrested four men - 41-year-old Abraham Winkler, 23-year-old Mayer Herskovic, 21-year-old Pinchas Braver and 27-year-old Joseph Fried. They are all accused of gang assault, imprisonment and menace, but no hate crime charges have been filed, despite Patterson's claim that he was called a f****t. One attacker allegedly kicked him as he lay on the ground and shouted: "stay down, f****t, stay the f*** down" as others cheered. He said later: "I was alone. I was an easy target. I'm black. I'm gay, a whole slew of reasons." The now 24-year-old admitted, however, that he had been drinking heavily and police included the fact that he was "intoxicated" in their initial reports. Patterson suffered a broken left eye socket, a torn retina, blood clotting, and cuts and bruises to his knee and ankles. He is now also suing the four men - seeking unspecified damages for his injuries and accuses the volunteer safety patrol of negligence. Shomrim is a self-styled neighborhood protection outfit, set up in Haredi communities throughout the United States to help combat crime. Volunteers can make citizens' arrests only. Police, however, say that they have become involved in acts of vigilantism.
Thursday, October 8, 2015
The racial achievement gap among New York City public-school students gets worse once they reach college, according to a new study
An analysis released by Families for Excellent Schools, a pro-charter group, says that only 12.7% of this year’s African-American high-school freshmen and only 12.1% of Hispanics will end up with four-year bachelor’s degrees. The organization, which said it based its conclusions on public data, put the comparable rate for whites at 37.5% and Asians at 40.4%. The sharp racial and ethnic gap was even more pronounced than in the city’s public schools. The Department of Education reported that 63.8% of blacks, 61.4% of Hispanics, 80.7% of whites and 82.6% of Asians graduated high schools in 2014. That put the achievement difference between whites and Hispanics, for instance, at 20 percentage points in high schools. In college it was 25 percentage points, according to the analysis.
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
What are the five worst countries to die in?
They are Iraq, Bangladesh, Philippines, Nigeria and Burma. Not exactly great places to live in either. The researchers looked at 80 countries and ranked them for "quality of death," looking at factors including the overall palliative care and healthcare environment, the availability and training of healthcare professionals, the affordability of care, and — most importantly — the quality of care. Britain is apparently the best place to die.
Monday, October 5, 2015
A caucus of the New York City Council’s 13 Jewish lawmakers is calling on the United States government to admit more Syrian refugees than currently allowed
“We believe that the United States has the opportunity and obligation to do much more to help relieve this crisis,” the caucus, chaired by Councilman Mark Levine, a Manhattan Democrat, said in a joint statement. “We therefore call on President Obama to accelerate the pace at which our nation is providing refuge to Syrian migrants, beyond the current modest target of only 10,000 over the next year.” They said that the migrant crisis has particularly poignancy for them. “Many of us grew up with or have family members who were forced to flee persecution. All of us are keenly aware of the countless times in history in which Jews have been refugees.” More than 4 million refugees have fled Syria following a brutal civil war there. Many observers say this migrant crisis is the worst since World War II, testing the foundations of the European Union. At least some right-leaning countries have shuttered their borders to refugees, while others like Germany have wrestled with massive influxes. The Obama administration announced recently that the United States will increase the number of worldwide refugees they accept each year to 100,000 by 2017, a boost from 70,000. The Jewish Caucus didn’t specify how much higher they would like to see the cap increased.
The genetic makeup of colon cancer tumors and survival rates for patients with the disease differ by race, according to a study from researchers at the Mayo Clinic Cancer Center
“These findings put the issue of race more prominently on the radar of investigators that cancer biology may contribute to race-based disparities,” says the study’s co-lead author, Harry Yoon, M.D., an oncologist at Mayo Clinic. “While it is too early to change the way we treat these patients, our results indicate that future studies are needed to examine potential biological drivers of these differences more closely.” According to the American Cancer Society, colon cancer is the third most common cancer in both men and women with more than 93,000 cases estimated to be diagnosed in 2015. Researchers have long known that blacks develop colon cancer at an earlier age and blacks with colon cancer are at higher risk of dying than whites. However, it has been difficult to identify why the differences in survival exist. Researchers analyzed data from a large clinical trial of more than 3,000 patients with stage III colon cancer. The analysis revealed that tumors from whites, blacks, and Asians had different frequencies of mutations in two key cancer-related genes, BRAF and KRAS, which have been associated with worse outcomes. It also found that colon cancers were twice as likely to recur in black patients as in whites; however, the discrepancy was only evident in those under age 50. “The role of the biology of colon tumors according to race has not been examined as extensively,” says Dr. Yoon. “This biology can be reflected in the genetic makeup of tumors, as well as by whether and how quickly cancer returns after the patient has been treated.” Dr. Yoon and his colleagues focused their efforts on finding out if colon cancers are genetically different based on race, as well as if race-based differences exist in recurrence rates. To do this, they examined data from a large clinical trial – Alliance N0147 – which included patients with stage III colon cancer from many centers in North America who all underwent surgery to remove their cancer and chemotherapy after surgery. As part of the trial, the patients provided a self-description of their race as either white, Asian, or black or African-American. The researchers then evaluated the tumors from these participants to see if a mutation was present in the cancer-related genes BRAF and KRAS. They also noted if the cancer had returned after treatment. Analysis of the data showed that tumors from whites, blacks and Asians were different in terms of the frequency of mutations in the BRAF and KRAS genes. Tumors from whites were twice as likely to have BRAF mutations; whereas, tumors from blacks had the highest frequency of KRAS mutations. Tumors from Asians were the most likely to have normal copies of both genes. The analysis also indicated that the colon cancers among blacks had more than double the risk of cancer recurrence, compared to whites. However, this discrepancy was only visible among young patients – those under age 50. Almost half of younger black patients experienced colon cancer recurrence within five years, compared to only 22% to 35% of whites or Asian patients of any age. “In addition to published data indicating that a limited number of genes are preferentially mutated in colon cancers from black versus white patients, our study revealed differences in the mutation frequencies of BRAF and KRAS oncogenes that provide prognostic information in colon cancer patients,” says Frank Sinicrope, M.D., an oncologist at Mayo Clinic and co-lead author. “Our data provide further evidence that colon cancers from blacks are intrinsically different and are associated with more aggressive clinical behavior in young black patients.”
Is John Derbyshire the white Ta-Nehisi Coates?
Is it really racist to point out that any given black was almost fifteen times more likely to have killed a white in 2013 than any given white was to have killed a black?
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Immigrant employment has risen 5.4 times faster than US-born American employment — 15% versus 2.8% — during the Obama years
Obama-era immigration may have pushed as many as 2.53 million US-born Americans onto the unemployment rolls.
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Official statistics from the US Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) have once again confirmed that, despite decades of affirmative action and billions of dollars of set-asides, black students still underperform academically when compared to whites
The new NCES study, titled “School Composition and the Black–White Achievement Gap” made a point of studying the lack of black academic achievement in schools that were “predominantly black” and those in which blacks were a minority. The report calls this distinction the “Black student density” and used the 2011 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) grade 8 mathematics assessment data. Black students at the national level, on average, scored 30 points lower than their White peers in 2011. Among the results highlighted in the report, the study indicates that the achievement gap between black and white students remains whether schools fall in the highest density category (that its, schools that are composed of at least 60% black students) or the lowest density category (i.e., schools that are composed of less than or equal to 20% black students).
Seven out of every eight immigrants to the United States in 1960 were from Europe; by 2010, nine out of ten were coming from other parts of the world
The 1965 Immigration Act was largely responsible for that shift. No law passed in the 20th century altered the country’s demographic character quite so thoroughly.”
Friday, October 2, 2015
Jewish power: FBI destroys evidence linked to Medicare fraud among Orthodox Jewish community in New York
The FBI destroyed records indicating potential Medicaid fraud among haredi Orthodox Jews in upstate New York’s Orange County supposedly because they came from an "unauthorized" investigation. Justin Rodriguez, a spokesman for Orange County, said that the Federal Bureau of Investigation had destroyed materials submitted by a county social services employee, Nicole Latreille. Latreille filed a lawsuit recently against the county saying that she was penalized for being a whistle-blower after reporting evidence of $40 million in fraud among residents of Kiryas Joel, a predominantly Hasidic Jewish village inside the town of Monroe. Rodriguez said that Latreille was suspended temporarily and given a lateral assignment for using county computers and restricted databases “not pursuant to her official duties, but as a private citizen.” Latreille’s allegations, Rodriguez said, “while populist, are not legally tenable and in fact may have compromised ongoing investigations.” According to Rodriguez, the FBI informed the county that it had destroyed the materials sent by Latreille earlier in 2015 “due to the improprieties associated with the manner in which the information was obtained.” The bureau said that the information was not used in any criminal investigation or prosecution. Latreille’s complaint suggests that she was punished because her investigation “revealed corruption by persons associated with political allies” of County Executive Steve Neuhaus in Kiryas Joel.
India: A man accused of beheading a five-year-old boy as part of a witchcraft ritual has been thrashed and set on fire by enraged locals
Tirumala Rao, 35, seized the child from a nursery inside a health center and carried him to his house. He then performed a prayer ritual before cutting off the helpless boy's head, collecting his blood in a vessel and sprinkling it all over his house. The incident was discovered when the victim's mother, named L Adilakshmi, went to collect her son from the nursery in Pokuru in Andhra Pradesh in south east India and found that he had disappeared. A family friend told her that she had seen Rao take the child and the distraught woman was then said to have gone to Rao’s house with a group of villagers. She found the beheaded body of her son in the corner of one room and his head in the other corner, next to the vessel of his blood. They then tracked down the accused, who had fled, tied him to a pole, doused him in kerosene and set him alight. As they lynched him the suspect was heard to have said that he could bring the boy back to life. He was found by police and taken to hospital for treatment, where he is in a critical condition.
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Japan's prime minister has said that his nation needs to attend to its own demographic challenges posed by falling birth rates and an aging population before opening its doors to refugees
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced at the U.N. General Assembly that Japan is ramping up assistance in response to the exodus of refugees to Europe from the Middle East and Africa. He said that Japan will provide $1.5 billion in emergency aid for refugees and for stabilization of communities facing upheaval. But speaking to reporters later he poured cold water on the idea of Japan opening its doors to those fleeing. He said that Japan first needed to attend to domestic challenges which he proposes to tackle under a revamped economic policy that aims to boost GDP to a post-war record level, while bolstering the social security system to support families. "As an issue of demography, I would say that before accepting immigrants or refugees we need to have more activities by women, by elderly people and we must raise (the) birth rate. There are many things that we should do before accepting immigrants," Abe told a news conference, according to the official translation of his comments. He added that Japan would "discharge our own responsibility" in addressing the refugee crisis, which he described as helping to improve conditions that cause the exodus. Abe earlier told the world body that Japan would provide $810 million this year for emergency assistance of refugees and internally displaced persons from Syria and Iraq, triple what it gave last year. Abe said that Japan is also preparing about $750 million for stabilization efforts in the Middle East and Africa. Japan prides itself on being a good global citizen. It is one of the largest aid donors in the world. Last year Japan gave $181.6 million to the UNHCR, the United Nations' refugee agency, making it second only to the United States in generosity. But it has offered very few if any resettlement places for refugees from the civil war in Syria. According to Ministry of Justice data, it accepted just 11 asylum seekers out of a record 5,000 applications last year, although Japanese officials say that most of the asylum applicants were from other Asian countries and were already living in Japan.
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