Monday, July 5, 2010

Black murderers and dead white women

Larry Auster comments on the case of a young white woman killed by a black man:
In the bad old days of discrimination, race-conscious white society segregated and oppressed black men in order, among other things, to keep them from raping and murdering young white women. In our more virtuous and humane times, race-blind white society commands young white women, in the name of female freedom and empowerment, to behave in ways that will get them raped and murdered by black men.

There is another difference between the two periods. In the old days in the South, white society stated plainly why it was segregating black men. In our time, the fact that black men are regularly raping and killing white women, and the fact that white women's own socially approved and mandated behavior makes such murders infinitely more likely, are never, ever, ever mentioned.


Anonymous said...

Keep up the great work & exposing the truth that the Liberal Media refuses to report!


Average Joe said...

Thanks Steve!