Thursday, May 17, 2012

A black pimp has been accused of forcing young girls into prostitution and paying them with drugs and food from the McDonald's dollar menu

At least 12 young women were exploited by DaJuan Brown, of Cook County, Chicago, over a five-year period. Brown - also known as Juan Clark - regularly beat them, plied them with heroin and sometimes locked them up in his West Side apartment without any food or access to appliances. If the girls met their quota of clients, they would be given more drugs or food from the McDonald's dollar menu. However, if they failed to meet his demands he would punish them by withholding the drugs and forcing them to go through heroin withdrawal symptoms. Cook County prosecutors described how Brown - who also goes by the nickname of Church - would control his victims' drug addictions. At least one girl who was clean of drugs became hooked on heroin after going to work for Brown. Prosecutors said girls were touted through websites and Brown gave them pre-paid mobile phone for them to use while they were out - but the girls had to give back the Cricket handsets when they returned. The back door of the apartment where the girls were kept would be locked with a deadbolt while they were inside and Brown also had a man guarding the door. One girl was beaten and knocked unconscious by Brown when she was caught escaping from the apartment. He would also viciously beat them if they refused to work and that victims would be forced to hand over all their money and IDs. Police arrested Brown when one of his victims - registered as a missing woman - was flagged up by the National Human Trafficking Hotline as being abused by her pimp. Brown was ordered held in lieu of $1 million at his court hearing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I bet a lot of women go willingly into these scenarios. This is unreal. I head that Lucky Luciano was big on drug-addicting his whores in order to control them too. This post reminded me of this:

It is fitting.