Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will soon present to the Israeli government a plan to address the influx of illegal migrants from Africa

The plan will be allocated approximately NIS 630 million and will be funded by cutting 2% from every government office's budget. According to the proposal, NIS 280 million will be invested in completing the fence on the Egyptian border and adding another segment near Eilat. In recent years, NIS 1.5 billion were invested in the fence, and 70 kilometers of it have already been built. Officials at the prime minister's office said that the entire fence – which will stretch for 240 kilometers – will be completed in less than a year. The plan will also include enlarging the Saharonim detention center in Ketziot, which currently has the capacity to hold 2,000 detainees. After the construction is complete, it will be able to hold 5,000 detainees. The prime minister's office said that the detention center will allow holding illegal infiltrators for long periods of time in accordance with the law. In addition, the prime minister's office said that guidelines for deporting illegal immigrant will be established. Another step will be amending legislation in order to increase fines imposed on employers of illegal immigrants, and in some cases even to close their businesses down. Netanyahu said that "Israel is a small country, we can't afford a flood of illegal job-seekers. It is a threat to our society, our economy and our security."

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