Friday, June 15, 2012

According to the latest available statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau, some 60% of welfare recipients are white compared to 33% of blacks

And 27.5% of Medicaid recipients are black compared to the 48.5% of recipients who are white. Among Americans using the food stamp program, about 37% are black and 46% are white. This is in spite of the fact that whites are approximately 65% of the U.S. population while blacks only make up 13%.


Anonymous said...

33%! when they are alleged to be only 10-12% of our entire population! Staggering statistic given the ratios. I also think the statistics are total BS and plain out bald face lied by the black run gubming of the Obamuslim

Anonymous said...

Do they lump hispanics in the white category for this stat?

Average Joe said...

I'm not sure if Hispanics are included. Some government statistics include Hispanics as whites while others categorize them separately.

Anonymous said...

Whether the gubmint lumps hispanic types into the White category is a matter of what conclusion the gubmint wants to reach.