Thursday, August 19, 2010

Afghanistan and several African nations are the most at risk to have a food shortage

Afghanistan was named as the country with the most vulnerable food supply, according to the study by Maplecroft, a British-based research agency. After Afghanistan, African nations were on the rest of the top 10 list. In order, the next were the Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, Eritrea, Sudan, Ethiopia, Angola, Liberia, Chad and Zimbabwe. In all, African nations were 36 of the top 50 on the list. Sub-Saharan Africa is particularly vulnerable to food insecurity because of the frequency of extreme weather events, high rates of poverty and failing infrastructures. The United States was ranked No. 158. Finland got the best rank and was considered least at risk.


Michael said...

More chaos from Australia... Woman forced to jump from diverse taxi

A taxi passenger says she was so scared she had to jump from a moving cab during an attempted abduction in central Melbourne...

The taxi driver is described as either of Middle Eastern or Indian appearance ...

Average Joe said...


Unfortunately, this is what you get when you allow the Third World to migrate to Western countries. The immigration advocates seem to believe that only good and decent people want to leave the Third World but as the news account in your link shows this is not the case,